When I first found about the Hessian town of Wöllstadt, my first reaction was: wow, this place is crowded like a big city. How is it even possible since only about 6,000 people are living here?
Certainly its wide open spaces in the Wetterau doesn’t give it that impression. It doesn’t have a bazillion villages to make it seem overly crowded. So, how is that possible? Then I realized it’s a very small town in terms of area, just under 15.5 square kilometers.
Its size doesn’t mean you’ll be shoulder to shoulder crowded while walking along a village street. No, it just means it won’t take too long to make your way around both Nieder-Wöllstadt and Ober-Wöllstadt, the two villages that are Wöllstadt.
And despite its diminutive size, it’s quite the party-animal town. So, after you’ve done the whole sightseeing which would include stops at Nieder-Wöll’s Evangelical Pfarrkirche (Parish Church) along Frankfurter Straße, its 19th century Christian Cemetery, its Jewish Cemetery and its old Brauhaus — it’s time to get down and party.
Um, no not yet — sorry. I forgot to mention the sightseeing in Ober-Wöll. This is the less crowded of the two villages. Don’t worry, it won’t take long since you’re only going to see the St. Stefanus Church, built in 1752 atop a church that was here since 1050. That’s a mighty long time ago, isn’t it?
All right, you’ve earned your chance to party with the Big Boys, so off to Wöllstadt’s Masked Ball at Carnival; its Pond Festival in May & August; the Village Festival in June, the Wine Festival in August; and the Christmas Market held at St. Stefanus every December.
These aren’t the only events going on here — throughout the year you’ll find all sorts of cultural goings-on, like the Vintage Car Rally, the Games Festival, and even the opening of the tennis season (in April) is a time of great celebration.
Crowded? Yeah, sure — but when something’s this good… who cares? ;-)