Aichwald — From The Swabian Alb To The Far Reaches Of Space

For some people just arriving in Germany is a world away. For others, it’s a mere hop, skip, and a jump the 20km to Stuttgart or 10km from Esslingen. Then there are those who think bigger. About how we might just be mere blips on a universal scale.

I think the people in the town of Aichwald fall into the latter category.

Whatever category you think you might fall into, it’s all right — no one will judge. ;-)

Actually, I mention the word universal because it’s here in Aichwald where you’ll find Planet Aichwald. If you walk the 4.3km route (it’ll take about 90 or so minutes) you’ll learn all about the solar system along its 12 “stations.”

Hey, I wonder, does that still include Pluto, that is, or isn’t, a planet anymore? Could someone let me know, please? I’m so confused. ;-)

To stay a bit closer to “home,” come hike Aichwald’s 100km of hiking trails through the gorgeous Swabian Alb. There are also plenty of cycling trails, if a bicycle is more your speed.

I wouldn’t worry about getting lost, the folks over at Aichwald’s Tourist Office can hook you up with all sorts of information (and maps) of the area.

They’ll also tell you all about the Goldgelb, a 5-day music festival that’s held every two years.

Aichwald’s also proud of its history. Over at a former sanctuary you’ll find outstanding Baroque artwork, as well as a crucifix from the 15th century.

The church of Sts. Gereon and Margaretha has some extraordinary Gothic paintings, and its stained glass is truly divine workmanship.

It might not look like much, but the walls of the original Burg Aichelberg are also a look into Aichwald’s past. I think they call it the “remains of a small medieval castle.” Yeah, since when were castles ever small?

Hmm, the past doesn’t sound so romantic when you get a gander of the “cell” in the village of Aichschieß. This was a small prison cell that was used for many purposes, one of them being a “punishment” for being a single mom.

Hmm, maybe these guys had too much time on their hands to come up with this kind of torture. Maybe they should have been pondering whether Pluto is, or isn’t, a planet instead. ;-)


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