Beverungen — 12 For 1 And Festivals With Glitterhouse Records

Beverungen can be reached by road, train, river, or bike, making it one of Germany’s more accessible communities. Flanked by the juncture of the Bever river and the Weser river and cycle trail, the town’s natural beauty encompasses both the Weser Valley and the Oberwälder Land to the west.

Taking shots of the landscape won’t be the only way your camera gets exercise here. Beverungen offers you 12 for 1 when it comes to photographic opportunities. The one town name actually represents 12 constituent villages, each with its own collection of twisting lanes, half-timbered houses, and churches.

Some of the sights you will want to be sure to see are the castles, the river banks, and the churches.

For castles, you have the Castle Beverungen, which is a must do stop as it doubles as a museum and is more than 700 years old. From there, you can walk down the smaller Bever riverbanks, or take in the Weser docks, which served as shipping stations in the past.

On the church side of things, you will want to be sure to stop by the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, which is known for its interior paintings. After that, you will want the St. Peter and Paul Church, and the Romanesque George Church.

Sightseeing accomplished, you will want to start looking for music. Beverungen has a local choir, orchestra, and marching band, but you’re looking for alternative country and hard rock bands here. Thanks to the presence of Glitterhouse Records, a number of acts looking to get signed make themselves known here.

Glitterhouse Records also hosts an annual Orange Blossom Special festival on Whitsunday. The musical line up varies, but thousands come each year to hear the performances. So be sure to stay for the shows if you’re in town at the right season! ;-)


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