Bopfingen — Fun And History On The Swabian Alb

On the northern edge of the Swabian Alb is the fabulous town of Bopfingen. Its 9 local districts are historic and a great place to enjoy some recreational activities no matter the season.

One of the most popular sites in all of Bopfingen is the former synagogue. This small, unassuming, whitewashed building with small Hebrew letters is now a museum. It’s dedicated to what was once the largest Jewish population in the region that was wiped out by 1940. Plan accordingly — the synagogue museum is only open on Saturdays & Sundays (2pm-4pm) from March to October, it’s closed from November through February.

Older than the synagogue is Bopfingen’s St. Blasius Church. Its altar wing dates back to the late 15th century and should be on any visitor’s to-visit list. The pious from all over came to see the beautiful Baroque Pilgrimage Church, no reason you shouldn’t either.

Schloss Baldern is another place that shouldn’t be missed. The old castle has been a tourist attraction for more than a hundred years, all coming to see its huge collection of weapons.

There are a few more castles (or, at least the ruins of some) around Bopfingen. The ruins of Schloss Schenkenstein and Castle Flochberg are a bit eerie, but there’s something magical about them. Maybe it’s the view that stretches forever from atop the hillsides.

Bopfingen isn’t all old castles and churches. No, it’s a town that loves sports and offers skiing, plenty of walking & cycling trails, and even tennis for residents and visitors alike.

A great place to meet Bopfingen’s locals is at any of its markets or festivals. The best are the Spring Market (2nd weekend before Easter) and the Nikolaus Market that’s held about 4 weeks before Christmas.

The most fun is the Ipfmesse. For 4 days at the beginning of July you can shop, eat, and drink with all of Bopfingen’s residents. The beer tent is quite popular with the adults, as is the carnival rides with the little ones.

Sounds like a good time for all! ;-)


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