You will never, ever, EVER be without something to do in the beautiful and mystic Black Forest. That said, when you come to a place like Gengenbach you’ll have more than enough to keep you on the go.
If you don’t like being outside, Gengenbach might not be for you. You’ll probably be better off in nearby Baden-Baden, Freiburg, or Strasbourg, France where you’ll have many indoor activities to your liking. But, don’t rush off before you see Gengenbach’s Art History, Military History, and Carnival History Museums.
Just understand that Gengenbach’s Carnival history is about the free loving, party before Lent Carnival, opposed to the amusement rides kind of carnival. Gengenbach also has the largest Advent Calendar anywhere.
If you’re still sticking around town, that means you’re ready to tackle more sporting activities than you can shake a stick at. Gengenbach has swimming, archery, Nordic Walking trails, regular old walking paths, mountain biking, normal bicycling lanes, hand gliding (love it), and an 18 hole golf course. Is that enough for you?
All that sure works up the hunger pangs. To quell it, try something called Vesper. It’s quite the spread with farmer’s bread, Black Forest ham, trout, and locally made cheeses. There’s no being hungry after that; but, if you want more try a slice of a traditional Black Forest cake or some fresh fruits and veggies.
Thanks to Gengenbach’s mild climate, some of the best wine making grapes (like Riesling, Burgunder, and Weißherbst) are grown here.
More eating and drinking go on during Gengenbach’s Carnival Celebration right before Lent. Also, during the Wine Festival, Christmas Market, and Palm Sunday festivities.
Wait, indoor loving people — come back! Gengenbach has something else for you. The town holds many musical concerts and theater performances throughout the year; and quite a few art galleries, to boot.
Oh, wait, what’s that… Who’s built all those lovely half-timbered buildings, ancient Gates and churches scattered throughout town — that in itself serves as plenty of photo opps.
The way it appears, Gengenbach has more than enough to keep the indoor and outdoor types quite busy and on the go. Oh, and quite well fed!