When Victoria’s Secret was still a “secret” and not plastered all over in TV ads (oh, I crack myself up sometimes) Heubach was in the ladies underwear business. No, I don’t mean selling, making it, or even transporting it. I’m talking about collecting it. Oh, what a way to start off talking about a town, right? ;-)
Let me back up a minute first. The Miedermuseum (the ladies’ undergarment collection) is the only one of its kind in Germany. It’s housed in what was once Schloss Heubach, along with the municipal library and local history museum.
Don’t confuse Schloss Heubach with Castle Rosenstein, though. Well, what was once Castle Rosenstein, which was built in the 11th century high over the Swabian Alb.
That’s right, Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the elegant Swabian Alb. Oh, you should have known it when you heard that Swabian German dialect being spoken. And you weren’t losing your marbles when you thought that the German being spoken sounded a wee bit funny.
This part of the Alb has plenty of kilometers of walking trails, cycling paths, and even caves to explore. This countryside is gorgeous and it would be a waste not to see it.
Gorgeous countryside (and ladies underwear) isn’t all that Heubach has to see. Oh, no! Many come to see the 16th century Town Hall with its 18th century Market Well right outside. And the Jergenturm (a.k.a. Block Tower) that was built as part of the town’s defense wall in 1473.
I can’t leave out the Gate Tower or the town’s Evangelical Church that was once a military church, built around 1440. Nor can I forget about the Heubach Police Museum (open by appointment only) with uniforms, weapons, and other accouterments.
Finish your stay in Heubach with a festival. Every three years is the Children’s Celebration; and the one held in 2010 was a smash! There’s no waiting that long for the Heubacher Celebration, that’s held annually. It starts off with some great Swabian dishes to munch on and ends with a large fireworks display.
Wow, who would have thought we’d start our trip out in Heubach with ladies’ undergarments and end with fireworks… ;-)