Igensdorf — Loving Life In The Franconian Jura

I don’t know how many people out there who can say they love their life. I, my friends, am one of them. I’m happy to dedicate my entire life to shout at the world at how great Germany really is — and its towns like Igensdorf in Upper Franconia that make it so much easier to do that.

Located in the Franconian Jura, bordering Franconian Switzerland, Igensdorf is a place where spending a night (or two!) at a farm is just a normal day. It’s a place where the most delicious things grow. And it’s a place of extraordinary fun.

Who could ask for anything more?

Um, I’m a tough cookie, so yes I’ll ask for more — and I’ll get here, no doubt about it.

Let’s start at the beginning though, OK? Since the town lies in some pretty magnificent real estate, you’ll really want to be outdoors as much as possible. There are quite a number of “themed” trails, like the Geologischer Wanderweg (Geological Hiking Trail), a Jurassic Period route that’s some 2km long, and the 3.17km (yes, that specific — hello, this is Germany) Sonnen- und Planetenweg (Sun & Planet Trail).

Plus, with all the cherry growing around these parts, it’ll be a culinary delight to do so.

This is what brings me to the next part, all the festivals and fun around here. Every May the town hosts a Cherry Blossom Festival, but that’s not all it has. There are no less than five (count ’em, 5) Kirchweih celebrations (3 of them in June, two in August), a Johannimarkt, an Advent Market, and once a month from June to November is the Obst und Beerenmarkt — or Fruit & Berry Market.

Igensdorf isn’t without some grand architecture to see while you’re here, too. I love the light & bright yellow Church of St. George, built in 1687. And if you think that’s old, the St. James Parish Church has been around for a thousand years — which is also the venue for the town’s Cultural Summer programs.

You see? I said you’d get everything I mentioned, plus more to boot here in Igensdorf; which is why I love my life, especially when I’m spending time in places like this. ;-)


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