The Forchheim district covers part of the Franconian Switzerland area in Bavaria. You know what that means… Lots of opportunities for fun, sport, and relaxation as well as discovering a good deal of Germany’s history and German culture.
Forchheim District Map
Towns & Villages in the Forchheim District
- Dormitz
- Ebermannstadt
- Effeltrich
- Eggolsheim
- Egloffstein
- Forchheim
- Gößweinstein
- Gräfenberg
- Hallerndorf
- Hausen (U. Franconia)
- Heroldsbach
- Hetzles
- Hiltpoltstein
- Igensdorf
- Kirchehrenbach
- Kleinsendelbach
- Kunreuth
- Langensendelbach
- Leutenbach (U. Fr.)
- Neunkirchen am Brand
- Obertrubach
- Pinzberg
- Poxdorf (U. Franc.)
- Pretzfeld
- Unterleinleiter
- Weilersbach
- Weißenohe
- Wiesenthau
- Wiesenttal
Forchheim itself, the capital, is definitely worth a trip. A few stunning churches, the Kaiserpfalz Castle, and some remaining parts of its wall from the 16th century.
Then there is the town of Ebermannstadt with a prehistoric museum, a few historical churches, and quite a few routes for walking, biking and hiking tours.
Then there is Gräfenberg worth to mention as it has a very historical town center as well as an interesting Turmuhrenmuseum, a museum showing all kinds of Tower Clocks which have been built in the 19th and 20th century in that house.