The awesome old Roman settlement town of Köngen is the starting point of the great medieval Römerstraße Neckar-Alb. It fits well because it’s got a more than 1,800 year old Roman fort and archaeological park.
Back in 1732 some farmers were plowing their fields (hey, a guy’s gotta eat, right?) and found a gold coin dating from the time of Emperor Antonius Pius. Eventually more than 500 coins from the 1st century A.D. were found, as were the foundations from the original Kastell Köngen.
Despite being from 2000 years ago, the archaeological park’s museum is a modern edifice — I guess all the better to contrast the age of the Roman finds! The entire complex is a UNESCO site, even highlighting Roman latrines (interesting, no?); and the restored Jupitergigantensäule (Giant Jupiter Column) was also here during the time of the original Roman settlement.
The Köngen Castle might seem downright young next to Kastell Köngen because it wasn’t built until 800 years later; and converted into a Schloss in the early 17th century. Only recently were the castle’s 18th century frescoes in the Knights’ Hall uncovered and restored to their original beauty. It’s for reasons like this that people wish they lived in castles, huh?
In addition to having all these Roman ruins and what was once a medieval castle, Köngen has some pretty awesome markets. Every Saturday from 7am to 12noon you can buy yourself the freshest produce and cheese to sink your teeth into.
It might (no, it will) be crowded during Köngen’s Pfingstmarkt that’s been taking place here since the 18th century. Held on Pfingstsonntag (Pentecost) more than 40,000 people flock to Köngen for food, fun, and games.
Nowhere near as many people join the Herbstmarkt (Autumn Festival) on the third Sunday in September, but it’s still a great time to be had by all.