Laichingen — Numerous Festivities Outside Its Tiefenhöhle Caves

In the Swabian Alb town of Laichingen the traditional Gregorian calendar that we’re used to means nothing. What, does that mean a Sunday isn’t really a Sunday? Or, March is some other named month that the rest of the world hasn’t heard of?

No. Of course Laichingen follows the days of the week as the rest of the world; but, the town’s festivals and markets follow the Christian Calendar.

Laichingen’s Ostermarkt (Easter Market) is on Easter Monday. The Pfingstmarkt is on Whit Monday (count like fifty days after Easter), and the Kirchweihmarkt, or Church Festival, is held on the Monday after Kirchweih (which is the third Sunday in October).

Oh, there’s no leaving out the Christmas Market that’s held in Mid December.

You might be thinking, what’s the big deal about Laichingen’s markets and festivals. Oh, you don’t know what you’d be missing! Besides buying beautifully crafted clothing, ceramics, and glass; you’d be eating some of the most delicious street food you’ll ever wrap your lips around. Your tastebuds will thank you profusely!

Just remember two things about Swabia and you’ll have the dandiest time… 1) the countryside is gorgeous and 2) the food isn’t like anything you’ve ever eaten. So, while you’re out shopping at Laichingen’s markets try some of the freshest breads, fruits, and other little treats.

Trust me, you won’t be sorry for one second. Plus, this is the Baden Württemberg side of the Alb, wash it all down with a fine wine. A beer could work, too, but this isn’t the Bavarian side of the Alb.

Eating, drinking, shopping isn’t all that Laichingen has to offer its guests. The Old City Hall (beautifully lit up at night) is a historic building that’s a famous landmark for young couples wanting to get married. The magnificent late 15th century Liebfrauenkirche could work just as well. One can never ceased to be amazed at all the artwork found inside an old church.

More art can be found at the St. Albans Castle Church. And, don’t hand me if you’ve seen one church you’ve seen them all.

But, if you rather go on a cave exploration in its Tiefenhöhle, then you’ve come to the right place in Laichingen. Hey, you might never know what you’ll find in the old cave — but, my guess is that it won’t be any kind of religious art. They saved that for all the local churches.


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