Sankt Georgen Im Schwarzwald Is A Black Forest Dream

For those of you who don’t speak German yet, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Anytime you hear the name Schwarzwald, think of lush forests and yummy local cuisine (some famous the world over), because this is the name for the Black Forest and just about everyone’s heard about Black Forest Ham and Black Forest Cake, both of which came from this region.

Now you know where the cute town of Sankt Georgen im Schwarzwald is lucky enough to be. You’ll also find it a most beautiful town, in a region that is within some of the most striking real estate on the planet.

To be totally frank, St. Georgen, for short, does get its fair share of snow in the winter, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying the old girl. You might not be able to swim in the Klosterweiher (a huge lake) with its own bathing beach, but it’ll give you an incentive to come visit again when the weather’s a bit warmer.

No matter the season really, you can enjoy visiting some of its other sites like the old monastery ruins, the German Phono Museum, St. Georgen’s Local History Museum, or the restored copy of the 15th century Kobisenmühle.

Just a tip, it might be better to visit the Black Forest Outdoor Museum with live exhibits of an old medieval farming village when the weather’s warmer.

With all this running around Sankt Georgen visiting its old churches, fun lake, and some old medieval mills you’re sure to be famished. Here’s your chance to indulge in some great eats. One tasty dish is known as Flammkuchen that’s made with cheese, ham, and cream.

You’re also bound to have a great time during Fastnacht, with thousands celebrating on the Monday before Ash Wednesday. Seems to be the German version of Mardi Gras and a fantastic time for the whole family. Again, with more delicious food, which is ALWAYS a good thing. ;-)

You’re also bound to find some of the most beautiful scenery within the region. It’s worth seeing no matter whether you chose to see it by bicycle or off the power of your own two feet.

Either way, with this town on the Deutsche Uhrenstraße (German Clock Road) you can’t go wrong.


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