Sankt Johann (Württemberg) — Charisma And Charm

Really, how many towns and hamlets could there be with the name Sankt Johann, or St. Johann for short, as this one here is officially called?

Do you think you know? One? Two? Ha-ha, turns out there are too many. Yup, a few hands full; and interestingly enough, all of them in South Germany.

Now, the one right here in the Swabian Alb is quite remarkable. It has old churches, idyllic scenery, and great festivals where you can eat and drink all sorts of local goodies. No, Friends, it doesn’t get better than this.

History lover that I am, it was off to see some of (this) St. Johann’s pretty village churches. There’s something astounding about the Church of St. Mary over in Upfingen (one of St. Johann’s six villages). Maybe its age has something to do with it (it’s over 500 years old), or the fact that it hosts many musical concerts in addition to regularly held Sunday services — for which you’re more than welcome to attend.

And that’s not to take anything away from the lovely wall & ceiling paintings at the Andreaskirche in Würtingen, or St. George Church in Gächingen — the latter being the town’s landmark, and whose world-renowned Gärchinger Choir got started.

However, no visitor to the Swabian Alb should be indoors for too long. The choice is yours if you want to hike, bike, cross-country ski, or just wander around little villages like Bleichstetten that have won the “Our Village is Beautiful” contest.

I think there should be a “Our Village is Fun” contest; and I’m pretty sure St. Johann would win that too. Skiing is fun, as is partying at the Frühlingsfest (April), Franziskafest (July), Herbstfest (Autumn Festival) and Kartoffelfest (Potato Festival) — both held in September.

While there might be other towns with the same name, I don’t know if they have the same charisma and charm — but I’ll let you know when I get there. ;-)


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