Ok, let’s get a couple of things straight about the town of Sersheim. First, it isn’t very big; not even 12 square kilometers. Second, it has made an astounding recovery over the last 360-plus years, when it was totally destroyed during the Thirty Years’ War. And, third, this is where you’ll want to come when you want to party and drink lots of wine.
Oh, now I got your attention, don’t I? ;-)
Before we get to the booze and community bashes, let’s get the responsible stuff out of the way first.
Sersheim is where you’ll find one of the oldest mills in the entire state — dating back to the late 14th century. It’s still a mill after all these years, in addition to now being a museum.
The other must-see museum is Das Schmiedemuseum. Known as the Forge Museum, these exhibits are all about the Blacksmiths — and the building itself is quite historical, it’s from the late 15th century.
“Can we get to the wine yet?” No, you should cycle along parts of the 160 km long Stromberg-Bitzer-Weg bicycle route first. And you really need to see what’s left of the Untere Schlössle (Lower Castle, built around 1479), and the Obere Schlössle (Upper Castle) from the 16th century.
All right, now we can get to the wine. I can’t think of any better place to drink some of it than at the Weinbau Götz. They’re mostly known for its Trollinger grapes (they produce a red wine); and you’re always welcome at a wine tasting. One of the greatest things to do at the winery is to take a Fackelwanderung, or torchlight hike.
Sounds like a good time, doesn’t it? That’s not even the half of it, either. Summer is a great time to come, that’s when the Summer Festival takes place (in June), and the Pfirsichfest (Peach Festival) is a fun July event, while the Göckelsfest is a September treat, and October’s the month for party in Oktoberfest style. And how can I leave out mentioning all the Advent celebrations and Christmas caroling?
Didn’t I tell you there was a lot to do here in Sersheim — makes me want to sit down with a nice glass of red and relive it all. ;-)