Überlingen? So You Want To Lake Constance For A Few Euros?

To experience the real Germany you need look no further than Überlingen. It’s a place where you’ll find an eclectic blend of history and hot springs, saunas and sites centuries old.

Besides being on the original route for Pilgrims heading to Santiago de Compostella in Spain, its been a real friendly city to painters, poets, and writers over the years. Sitting on the picturesque Lake Constance, you’ll be able to understand those artists’ inspiration when you’re in a city with history that’s over 1,000 years old.

First you need to look around to some of the highlights of the history of this charming town. St. Nicholas Minister has a high wood alter carved by a local artist in the early 17th century and took over 200 years to build its five nave interior, now that’s endurance.

The Franciscan Church was built between the 14th and 15th centuries and was redone into a baroque style in the 18th but still has two of the original statues by one of the most famous artists of hist time, Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer.

The St. John’s Towers were also built in the 1500s and was increased to reach a whopping 37 meters (approx 111 feet) to help keep out the invading Swedes in the middle 1600s. It’s the Middle Age version of the skyscraper!

The Zeughaus is where the old medieval world meets the modern one. Once a 16th century armory, its now a modern day restaurant.

Another contemporary creation is the promenade,where you’re able to enjoy the fresh air along Lake Constance. Maybe you’ll get a chance to see one of the many boating regattas that the Lake hosts.

The Town Garden is a pure botanical treat with its rose, cactus, and exotic plant gardens, the scent is just delightful. Make sure to get your visitor’s card upon arrival, riding the bus around town is free and you can’t beat the discounts for admission into all the great things in Überlingen.

When all that sightseeing is done, the place to relax is the Bodensee-Therme. Aaahh… take a look at its Überlingen webcam — it’s a hot spring spa where water from the Earth rises to soothe and relax you — not too bad for only a few Euros! Take some time in the Japanese Rose Sauna or you have a choice of the indoor or outdoor sauna. The Relaxation House has two floors with panoramic views of Lake Constance. There’s even a kids area to keep them occupied. What else more can you ask for?

Sure you can head out to places like Munich or Frankfurt. But why bother? With everything to do and see in Überlingen, you’ll know you found the place that has it all. ;-)


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